Moe has gone completely 2-Dimoensional! This picture probably took the most amount of time to make and I may like it the least, but anyway it had to be done. This is the closest you are going to get to seeing the real image of Moe that I alter for each picture. I was asked why don't I show the unaltered original picture. Easy if you had access to the picture then you could just do my job better than me. Its like the light bulb industry. They could make light bulbs that last forever, but then you would only buy one instead of one a year. If I keep the demand high than I judge how much you will pay for my pictures. Hopefully in the future Moe will be famous and then I can be famous for making these pictures of him before he was famous. I think this picture makes Moe look like he is in the movie "A Scanner Darkly." One day I might try and make Moe a cartoon again; only this time it will be more of a crazy eyes popping out of sockets, tongue rolling on table cartoon Moe. Stay Tuned. Now that I have to make every picture for every post I am going to attempt to post a new picture every other day. If anyone is out there, "I will do my best."
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Boo this picture. You did a good job at completely animating it, but nothing is going on. Its just the same, plan old, boring moe. (Threw that in there since I can't make gay jokes anymore...Thanks Kristen) Were is the excitement of Moe that is your imagination. Keep on doing what your doing, Im here and I enjoy it. You awesome Dan the Man.
every other day...
mission failed.
sorry to ruin the fun, kevin. but i have no problem with you making fun of him minus the gay jokes... hehehe
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