04 February 2007

Mean Moe Green

Moe with an afro.. genius. I started this drawing as usual - with facial hair. This time a burly mustache. The hard part about making these pictures is finding a way to cover Moe's over efficient hair puff. This time was easy because I merely covered his fro with another fro. If you are wondering 71 is an arbitrary number and I am not sure what position he would even play. I tried to go with an old Eagles uniform, because in my opinion they are much cooler than the new ones. I love how with different facial hair and outfits the same grin on Moe's face can turn into a smile, snicker, frown, or puckering "I'mma gonna kiss you" face. He is like the Mona Lisa. And yes Moe does use an afro pick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was mean Joe an Eagle, I dont know, but I sure would like a coke and a smile. Mean moe, he looks more like little pansy moe, in green instead of pink