13 March 2008


I attempted to play Scrabble with a cavemoe, he was not even able to spell "Grunt" and "Agh", and "probably spelt library with one R". However, he does spell "forty-two".. This is the last old picture that I made in 2007 but never got around to posting a blog on about it. Anytime you get to draw a picture that includes massive amounts of body hair it is a win-win for everyone involved. It seems, however, that the big-wigs in the advertising world have somehow hacked into my computer and have seen the previously unpublished face of moe. They are now making a killing out of his popularity. I am not asking for much guys, maybe just a buck here and there and a mention of the website? I am very happy with the color of the ground. For some reason it works. The dinosaur looks like a happy fellow, hopefully he doesn't eat Moe and we can have another new picture in a couple of days. Stay tuned. Don't forget to leave a comment or suggestion, "It's so easy a cavemoe could do it!"


Anonymous said...

i sure hope his hair doesn't catch fire...it's awfully close to it!

Anonymous said...

don't worry that is actually how they used to shave

Shannon said...

I definitely appreciate the grizzly Moe look. Too bad that caveman show didn't stay aired longer...Cavemoe could have gotten casted.

Unknown said...

I love Cavemoe's chest hair.