27 March 2008

Luis Menmoeza

First things first. Now I think we need to give Moe two minutes for bearding. This has to be one of my favorite pictures to date for a number of reasons. 1. It has Moe in some gnarly facial hair. 2. It employs something to cover Moe's hair (the helmet) which for a change does not look overly huge. 3. The picture shows off Moe's manly side. 4. It gives a chance to reveal the new Erial Dropkick Away uniform. I have to admit though this was the first picture that I did not have Moe poise in outfit for, instead I used this picture of Jason Smith as a reference tool. Don't you feel like the testosterone level in your body has increased just by looking at that picture. It was a hard fought battle for the advertisement space in this picture, but ultimately Powerade forked over more money to beat out Chico's Bail Bonds. I had thought about putting fans behind the glass in the background, but I have a job and a wife. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.


Moe said...

One of the best posts yet.

p.s. - The third link (Jason Smith) did not work for me.

Anonymous said...

A personal favorite from a big hockey fan. Oh, and I'm glad that you didn't humiliate Moe by putting him in orange and black...

Shannon said...

This one's definitely a favorite. Hands down.

Scruffy beard: check
Facial lacerations and orbital hematoma: check


P.S. I agree with Case, although I was hoping to see Moe as a Blueshirt...

Anonymous said...

don't listen to these stupid people that don't support the flyers. let them know that he would have been wearing orange and black if not for our home TOWN team - the erial dropkick.

ps - when can we try out that sweet extreme sport??

Anonymous said...

You should make one of moe as riley cote or riley moete, from the vengence picture, punching Case in his stupid sabres face...just a thought.