15 February 2007


"Cut my wrist to paint your favorite color flower. Red red rose." These are lyrics from Moe's indie/emo band heartonmysleeve. That is why Emoe has the word "heart" actually tattooed on his shoulder/sleeve. If you squint hard enough you can actually envision Moe as this love sappy emotional boy-toy who saves his tears in a bottle to give to his girlfriend one day. "I eat emo pansies for breakfast. And give their little t-shirts to my little sister." You may not be able to see from this angle, but Moe has actually painted jeans onto his legs. You cannot get tighter pants than that. Triple Scene Points!! Eyeliner, check. Dumb tattoo with stars, check. Gauged ear, check. Lip ring, check. Jet black hair, check. Lack of personality, check. Alright I think we got it all here. The only thing missing I guess would be screaming "music" being played in the background. "I want to be different just like everyone else." Well put Emoe, well put.


Kevin Strauch said...

when i first saw this portrait, i saw tatooed on his neck "him"...

Anonymous said...

Ok after seeing this I really wish Moe didnt get a hair cut last week, and that he straightened his hair again, dye it jet black, and become emo. He's hot and could totally pull it off, He looks kinda like guy from blink 182/ Angels and Airwaves, just to clarify what guy. Emoe an awesome name as well, good work dan.