16 February 2007

Rubba Dub Moe

It has been a stressful week for Moe. He has entertained you as a clown, shared old war stories as a senior citizen, sat on your lap as a kitty, been the manliest of men as a cowboy and the girliest of men as an ambassador of "deep diary-like outpourings of emotion." He needs some time to relax in his bubble bath, while keeping sure to not get his hair wet (it might ruin the curls). Of course his ducky Alfred joins him and... he is fully naked. (Waiting for the mental picture... waiting..) "Gross." (There it is.) I am very happy about how this picture turned out, it is the first picture of the new area--meaning the first picture I drew after I already started the blog. This also means that posts will start coming less frequently "boo boo" I know, but it is because I do not have anymore pictures up my sleeve and they will all have to be made to suit. I am away this weekend so there will not be any posts, but please take this time to read over the old post and laugh again. Also you might want to comment on some of them. You need not be a google member to post, merely click other under choose an identity. It will make me feel good and motivate me to make more Moes if you send me cyber pats on the back. Also if you have any suggestions for new faces of Moe please leave them in a comment as well. Now that that is all said and done, just fall back into the warmth of a nice bubble bathness picture of Moe.


Coujones said...

that's a fine tile job.

Kevin Strauch said...

i don't know how you do it dan. everything in this picture is amazing. from the ducky to the tiles to the bubbles (my favorite). great artistry skills displayed here. this may be my favorite to date.

Anonymous said...

Dan, thank you for introducing me to the many faces of Moe. I suppose as his girlfriend that I should know all about his many different sides and roles, etc. I have to say that your blog has furthered our relationship. If that isn't a cyber pat on the back, I don't know what is. You should be proud.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kevin, Im not talking in the third person either, you are getting really good and extremely creative. I cant believe what you can get moe to do. What would be great, if someday you could get real life pictures of Moe living out you artwork. That would be great, cause I know I did once in your house. HAHA