12 February 2007


I apologize, it started out as a good idea but turned into what lies above. On the more recent pictures I usually fool around in paint trying to figure out how I am going to make the picture work or what features I will use. So I made Moe with this cat mouth and whiskers, and then used some orange around the place. Everything was going great and I went to make the official picture. I tried to turn M*A*S*H into Saving Private Ryan. Cat hair everywhere, crazy eyes, and forehead lines. Needless to say the "Moe Farm Animal Series" will not be hitting the shelves for quite some time. Hm.. maybe I should have given him a tail..? It scary to even start to fathom Moe as cat. Trying to sit on your lap all the time. Licking himself to take a bath. Scratching up the furniture. Needing you attention at all times. Always wanting to be fed and petted. Never giving you any space in the room. Smelling up the room. Always being around. Playing video games into the middle of night. Watching every move I make. I can't take it anymore...... um.. I am sorry for that. It.. uh would be pretty hard to imagine that huh..? Because.. uh.. none of that is true or is any feelings that I have.. ever..
Don't tell Moe.


Anonymous said...

Oh so disturbing.

Kevin Strauch said...

hahaha... i knew moe was a little weird but i didn't know he was that weird

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, you doubt your talent, this is probably my favorite to date. Your awesome, Moe is creepy